As a first time momma it is hard to tell what ails a baby.
I am convinced she only cries if she is hungry or struggling for crap. Which she normally is.
BUT... nine times out of ten I get the two confused. I reckon I have done well to narrow potentials down to two.
In the hot weather baby upset is a whole different ballgame. She doesn't even know why she is crying.... is she thirsty? Is she hungry? Is she just plain hot and annoyed?
But the funny thing is there are so many times in her life she will wonder why she is crying, so maybe I should just let her practice. It will normally be because of a boy. But the only two boys in her life at the moment would religiously guard her moses basket or hold her loving whilst watching England play. Guess which one is the dog and which one is the daddy...
The best thing is seeing your baby smile....and knowing the difference between a windy poop smile and a real one. That's when you're a mamma. That's when you high five the dog - and realise you have a pretty cool dog...
...because he KNOWS why you are high fiving him.
Nursery rhymes bring back memories...
I have this CD of nursery rhymes done instrumental chill out style to encourage sleep. It only really works on me...
I think the idea is you sing to your baby. One of the songs is called Brother John. I was taught it as Frere Jacques and I am not French...
Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques Dormez vous? Dormez vous? Sonnes les matines, sonnez les matines, Din, din, don. Din, din, don.
I was surprised to find an English version. How cosmopolitan am I?
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping? Brother John, Brother John, Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing Ding Ding Dong, Ding Ding Dong.
But the Dutch version is a classic...
Vader Jacob, Vader Jacob, Slaapt gij nog, slaapt gij nog, Alle klokken luiden, Alle klokken luiden, Bim, bam, bom, bim, bam, bom. I don't know how you say it never mind SING it. Lucy Beth looked at me like I was an arse when I attempted to sing the dutch version.
I have decided singing this alone in a pub will be a dare for a hen night I am organising.
And some people think motherhood is dull...
My daughter was born on May 29 2006 at 9.15pm by c-section after a long, fruitless labour. The worst and best day of my life together as one.
She weighed 8lbs and 7oz and is long and thin so my fears for a big baby were pointless. She looks tiny. I guess a baby really would have to weigh 13 stone and have the fat stores of a hippo before it was a mini-sumo.
The chair at the computer is the only one I can sit in comfortably after a major operation. In fact, I have just realised I forgot to take my pain killers.... I'll have to sit here until someone finds me and can hoist me up (place major swear words here).
My baby smells like a sweet, soft, angel which is amazing considering what appears in her nappy.
Lucy Beth is beautiful and she is perfect....and it is baffling...
...because she looks nothing like me.