Thursday, June 01, 2006

Lucy B and Me

My daughter was born on May 29 2006 at 9.15pm by c-section after a long, fruitless labour. The worst and best day of my life together as one.

She weighed 8lbs and 7oz and is long and thin so my fears for a big baby were pointless. She looks tiny. I guess a baby really would have to weigh 13 stone and have the fat stores of a hippo before it was a mini-sumo.

The chair at the computer is the only one I can sit in comfortably after a major operation. In fact, I have just realised I forgot to take my pain killers.... I'll have to sit here until someone finds me and can hoist me up (place major swear words here).

My baby smells like a sweet, soft, angel which is amazing considering what appears in her nappy.

Lucy Beth is beautiful and she is perfect....and it is baffling...

...because she looks nothing like me.


Stephen said...

Hi Kate
Ha! Lucy-Beth is a great name. Forget what she looks like, does have your feet? That might be more worrying.
It's great news. I almost blubbed.
Look after yourselves. See you soon.


Jo said...

Congratulations! I know you'll be busy with little Lucy B but I hope you'll still have time to write here, and maybe even share a picture? I really enjoyed reading your struggles with the being-pregnant thing, obviously not much fun for you - but your writing made me smile a lot. All the best to you and the new baby. :-)
