Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Fear and Loathing In Las Chelmsford

When you have a new baby you look at it with awe. You feed baby at crazy hours, you change baby's nappies 900 times a day (just in case the dreaded nappy rash appears). Even if baby looks nothing like you, but proudly resembles the spit of your husband, you hold her close to you like Gold.

Suddenly it is no longer a new baby. She has grown. She has opened her eyes and can smile and watch you and laugh.....

....and the wibbly wobbly head is no more. Although things are still slightly unsteady, even when she is as angry as a croc with Steve Irwin waving madly in front, she still manages a grin and a laugh.
In fact, everytime she sees me, she smiles and tries to tell me a tale. She is happy for no other reason other than Mother Nature tells her to be.

And that is why being mother is the most terrifyingly, beautiful thing ever....

.....touch a hair on her head and Jackie Chan would look lame compared to Mama. Wimpy even.

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