Thursday, September 28, 2006

Like a moth to the flame burned by..well, the flame....

In Arizona the citronella candles in the garden were basically a grave yard for moths, flies and other totally innocent yet butt-ugly bugs.

OBVIOUSLY the scorpions, freako spiders and other poisonous desert crawlies were immune to the 'beauty of the light...' Do you know how hard it is to squash a BABY scorpion? Yet squash I did. For the sake of my own baby. I found it crawling from outside the TV which was dangerously close to the corridor from which my baby slept off of. Scorpions sting. Bark scorpions sting quite nastily. It ruined my romantic visions of a midnight swim in the pool I can tell you. But as we arrive home it is like
arachniphobia. UGLY nasty spiders have weaved their webs everywhere, one even fell down on me in the car and it was so big that when I batted it away with my fist it felt like the size of a baseball. Or at least a cricket ball....

Those great big flying daddy long legs are nothing compared to an ugly spider. However,

If you wish to live and thrive
Let the spider run alive

They are meant to bring good luck. I must STOP squashing my good luck. Lucy doesn't seem to mind them....

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