Sunday, December 10, 2006

Holy Shit

Lucy did a poo in church today. Which is fine - but she does make many a noise that would suggest she is doing a poo and that is not very conducive to 'quiet' prayer...

I don't know why I was in church. Makes me feel better I guess. It certainly keeps Lucy entertained. I like to think the fundemental idea behind Christianity is to stop humans from destroying each other. But I am fairly certain the downfall of mankind and the 'end of the world' will be due to man himself. Not global warming. Or the plague. I just hope it doesn't happen this week. I have some more Christmas shopping to do and a visit to Tesco.

I am taking Lucy into London tomorrow to a place in Bethnal Green and I don't know where it is.

Pray for me. And send me chocolate.

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