Sunday, May 07, 2006

Designer Panic

The Ebay addiction continues. I attempted bidding on a number of occasions for some Chanel earrings. I have always wanted them and now, that I don't go out or have any reason to wear them, I decide it is crucial that I have them. I may end up changing the nappies of a naked baby because I am too poor to buy it clothes - but I will look mighty fine in those earrings while I do it.

I was outbid a number of times and couldn't believe how much they went for. I panicked on one of my attempts and through a mix of sheer stupidity combined with ignorance for the Ebay process I manage to bid for 2 separate pairs. I won the original bid and spent the whole day hoping and praying that I was outbid for the second pair. Which I was. In fact, they are set to sell for significantly more than I paid for them in my bid. Sweet.

My husband is in the dark about today's events. I don't think he will appreciate the sheer beauty of these earrings until I am wearing them, perhaps on holiday, when he is drunk, England have won the world cup and I have won the lottery. That's when I'll tell him.

In other news, my stretch marks now ensure I resemble the star of a slasher film and I am more swollen than a pufferfish. I also learned that if you have trouble breastfeeding in hospital they have a supply of OTHER WOMEN'S BREASTMILK that you can use to sustain your baby until you get the hang of it. Ewy.

Who donates their breastmilk? Who has such a plentiful supply that they can afford to...

...I wonder if you get paid for it?

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