Thursday, May 04, 2006

Too much time

I am addicted to Ebay. I have to stop. After my 'win' on the poo bin I got a buzz and now I've put a bid in for a tower fan. My excuse is that the baby may boil if I don't have a state of the art fan. I am also rummaging around the house looking for anything to sell. A pair of flip flops, slightly chewed... an old unopened tin of paint, a butt ugly tie...some dvds I never watch. I wonder if anyone would buy scratchy loo roll?

I have too much time on my hands.

It is warm again today. Which is great. But my one summery maternity top is starting to smell. I decided against using a beach sarong as a skirt. Although it covers my girth, I just can't walk the dog in the park with that on. Not with granny knickers underneath.

I was going to go to Asda and fight the chavs for a very large man's work shirt to throw over my support tops in a summery fashion. But they just said on the radio that Jade Goody is 'wowing' the crowds today in town. I might give it miss.

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